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S.Sofia 2023 PRP & UNICORN

" PRP & UNICORN" - International course S.SOFIA (FC) - ITALY - 30 September 2023   - Silfradent Academy  For further information - Contacts  E-mail: Download programme course COURSE POSTPONED UNTIL A LATER DATE ! 

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Course in Asunciòn – Paraguay 2023

"International workshop South America convention" The many facets of regenerative medicine PARAGUAY/ASUNCION  30 - July 2023   -   Lecturer:  TIZIANO BATANI -  For further information - Contacts  E-mail: Download programme course  

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CORSO DI ESTETICA – 30 giugno 01 luglio 2023

Sede Silfradent Academy: S.Sofia (FC) Questo corso di formazione CGF (Concentrated Growth Factors) di due giorni insegna ai professionisti medici come iniettare i fattori di crescita concentrati del paziente e indurre la formazione di nuovo collagene, rigenerare i tessuti molli…

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Bangkok 2023

" 2 days hands on course for advanced ridge augmentation and sinus augmentation" Simplified 3-dimensional ridge augmentation Complication-free sinus augmentation BANGKOK 03-04 June 2023   -  Grand Centre Point Sukhumvit 55 Hotel Lecturer: Prof. Dong-Seok Sohn DDS.MDS.PhD. For further information -…

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