Equipe Scientifica
Dr. Marco Bonelli Bassano
- 1991 Degree in Medicine and Surgery
- 2000 – 2006 Tutor and Tutor ‘s “Advanced Techniques and Biological aspects in Implantology “, Dental Medicine – University of New Jersey
- 2007 – 2010 Professor in the graduate program in Health Dental University of Genoa – Director Prof. Paolo Pera
- From January 2010 Professor a.c. Department of Sciences Integrated Surgical and Diagnostic – Director Prof. Stefano Benedicenti
- 2007 Co-author of “Atlas of Dental Microscopy”, RC Libri – Milano
- Founding member and President of G.I.R. 2005 – 2008 (Group of Implant Research)
- Active member S.I.E. (Italian Society of Endodontics)
- Founding member and active dell’A.I.O.M. (Italian Academy of Dentistry Microscopic)
- Speaker at national and international conferences since 1995
- Tutor of the specialization course in Microscopic Dentistry and Laser Therapy – University of Genoa
- Official teaching of “Basic concepts of operative microscopy” – University of Genoa
- Official teaching of “ Lasers in implantology” at department of surgical sciences and integrated diagnostics – D.I.S.C – University of Genoa
- Founder and current president of AB Academy
- Member of the Education and training commission in Hemocomponents – ANTHEC Academy
Research Field
The autologous growth factors CGF in bone and tissue regeneration.
Cosmetic aesthetic application – face CGF treatment.
Laser therapy with microscopic control
Dr. Paolo Torrisi
Dr. Paolo Torrisi graduated in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics at the University of Catania in 1984. Specialized in Periodontology in 1999 at the University of Palermo.
He obtained the qualification to teach hygiene, anatomy, physiology and pathology of the masticatory apparatus in schools and state institutes of secondary school of II ° degree. He attended master classes in Italy, France, Switzerland and Sweden. Already active member of SIO, SICOI, currently active member of the Italian Academy of Osseintegration – IAO and of the scientific community PEERS Italy.
In 2004 and 2011 he joined a multi-center study group on immediate load in collaboration with the University of Goteborg (Switzerland). Member of the ITI (International Team for Implantology)
Since 2010 he has been teaching and tutor at the second level master “Complex oral rehabilitation”, of the degree course in dentistry and dental prostheses of the University of Catania.
From 2014 to 2021 contract lecturer at the master’s degree course in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics of the University of Catania with teaching contract of “professional periodontology internship”.
Speaker at numerous courses and conferences on implant issues.
Author of publications in national and international scientific journals. Freelance professional in Catania where he mainly dedicates himself to periodontal surgery, implant surgery and prosthesis on implants.
Research Field
- Implantology and Periodontology.
Prof. Dr. Andrea Palermo
- Postgraduate Course in Implantology and Cosmetic Dentistry c/o New York University.
- Faculty member European Academy of Oral Surgery and Implantology.
- Professor at the II level International Master in Oral Surgery and Implanology at the University of Bari.
- Associate Professor in Implant dentistry at College of Medicine and Dentistry, Birmingham (England).
Research Field
- CGF and piezo electric application in dental oral surgery.
Dr. Vincenzo Di Donna
Degree in Medicine and Surgery – Specialized in Vascular Surgery. Member of the Board of Physicians and Surgeons of the Province of Barletta- Andria (Italy). Actually Head of Vascular Surgery and Molecular Regenerative Medicine at the Medical & Surgical center DA.MA.SALUS – Trani (Italy). Co-author of articles on Vascular Surgery in national and International scientific magazines.
Research Field
- Vascular and Regenerative Medicine Surgery
Dr. Stefano Rosi
Dr Stefano Rosi, graduated in Medicine and Surgery, Specialist in Geriatrics and Gerontology, First Aid and Emergency Therapy, Odontostomatology. He has been working for more than 20 years with Autologous Growth Factors in dental field and has acquired significant documentation of the clinical cases treated. He is a trainee in refresher trainings on these topics in Italy and collaborates with important companies in this sector.
Research Field
- CGF Application in Dental Oral Surgery- Piezo electric Bone Cutting
Prof. Dr. Christos Perisanidis
- Dozent (Venia Dozenti) of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medical University of Vienna.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Dentistry, University of Athens.
- Curriculum Coordinator, Vienna University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna (2016-2018).
- Full Professor and Chairman of Oral and Maxillofacial Surger, University of Athens.
- Director of the Master Program in Dentoalveolar Surgery, School of Dentistry, University of Athens.
- Scientific Director of the International Master in Clinical Dentistry – Periodontology and Implantology, School of Dentistry, Medical University of Vienna.
Research Field
- CGF application in dental oral surgery and maxillofacial surgery.
Dr. Eleftheria Gliarmi
Dr. Eleftheria Gliarmi graduated from the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Carol Davila of Bucharest in 1997. She obtained the specialty of General Surgeon. In 2008, she received Master’s degree in Management Services and Health facilities by the University of Cyprus ‘Frederick’. In 2009, she received her PhD in the study of oxidative stress in graded Surgical stress by the Medical School of National University of Athens and she obtained ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) Certification. Then in 2012, she received a certification in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Acupuncture from the International Postgraduate Center on Acupuncture of Athens. In 2013, she received multiple Medical Aesthetic Training Certificates of completion on Botox and Dermal Fillers. In 2017, she received her Master’s degree in Cosmetic (Aesthetic) Medicine and Therapeutics by the University of Camerino in Italy.
At present, she is the owner of three private surgeries in Greece, she is a Specialist Scientific Researcher of Silfradent Ltd and she is a lecturer and instructor in Medical Cosmetic Treatment courses and conferences around the world.
Research Field
- Cosmetic aesthetic application – face and body CGF treatment
Dr. Gianfranco Francioni
- Chief of General Surgery Rimini Provincial Department.
- Retired from public hospital activity since July 1, 2017
- Member of the Italian Society of Surgery Since 1978
- Member of the Italian Society of Hospital Surgeons since 1985
Current function
- Chief of General Surgery Nuova Ricerca private Hospital – Rimini Italy
Hard skills
- Longstanding surgical experience in General Surgery and related surgical specialties
- Oncology
- Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Rigenerative Medicine
- Organizational awareness
Soft skills
- Analysis and problem solving capacity
- Leadership
Research Field
- Contribution of regenerative medicine in chest and abdominal wall reconstruction
- Prp in the treatment of refractory parietal surgical pain. Regenerative techniques in wall surgery.
Prof. Dr. Georgakopoulos Ioannis
- Un. WAGRO USA. President.
- Un. Bari “Aldo Moro” Medical School IT, Oral Surgery & Implantology. Faculty member.
- Un. BPP UK, Dental School. Faculty member.
- Un. Modena & Reggio Emilia, IT. PhD School “Enzo Ferrari”. Faculty member.
- Un. Athens NKUA GR. DDS.
- Un. Patras, Medical School GR. MD & Ph.D.
- Un. Michigan Ann Arbor USA. Oral Biology.
- Un. Vienna AU. Master in Laser Applications.
- Un. AUEB, GR, Executive MBA.
- World Academy of Growth Factors & Stem Cells in Dentistry, President.
- Inventor of IPG-DET Sinus Technique.
Research Field
- CGF & Stem cells applications in oral surgery and implantology
- CGF and Stem cells application in IPG-DET technique for immediate implant placement in the problematic posterior maxilla with intentional perforation of the sinus membrane and without S.F.E.
Dr. Marco Mozzati
- Graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Dentistry at the University of Turin.
- From 2002 to 2012 he is Consultant in Trauma Center in Turin where he did specialistic performances on patients who had severe facial traumatisms.
- From 2005 to 2012 Medical Director Head of SSCVD Oral Surgery Hospital in Turin.
- Medical Director Head of Service for the treatment of patients awaiting organ transplantation and patients in therapy with bisphosphonates.
- Founding member Piezosurgery Academy.
- Past President and founding member ANTHEC (Academy of Non Transfusional Hemo-Components).
- IAO active member.
- Scientific Director SIOM polyclinic.
- Author of scientific articles related to oral surgery , implantology and blood components for non-trasfusional use.
Research Field
CGF applications in oral surgery, in implantology and regenerative medicine – Autologous Platelet Concentrates for MRONJ treatment and prevention – Piezo electric bone cutting.
Dr. Angelo Maria Di Fede
Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Specialized and professor in numerous courses in allergology and clinical immunology. Specialized in geriatrics and gerontology – in hygiene, preventive medicine and school medicine – sport medicine . Since 2015 President of the “Biodynamic Enzymes” scientific committee and currently professor at the University of Pavia for hydrocolontherapy in intestinal dysbiosis.
Research Field
- Specialist in allergology and clinical immunology
Gregorio Martínez Sánchez, Pharm. Dr., Ph.D. Senior Researcher
College Degree
Pharmaceutical Sciences, Honorific Graduate with Gold Stamp of the Pharmacy and Foods College, Havana University, 1990 (harmonized in Spain 19/04/2011 0820646/2011/H08046). Master in Sciences, Pharmacy and Foods College, Havana University, 1998. Ph.D. in Pharmacy 2001 with honors, Havana University.
Scientific Degree
- Senior Researcher.
Research Field
- CGF chemical combination
- CGF basic science
- Hair regeneration
- Aesthetic treatment.
Dr. Alessandro Moro
- Graduated from the University of Rome “La Sapienza” in 1986, Residency in Odontostomatology in 1989.
- Associate Professor, Director of Maxillofacial Department, Director of Residency Program In Maxillofacial Surgery at Fondazione Policlinco Agostino Gemelli- Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Rome.
- Member of national and international scientific societies, published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals.
Research Field
- Piezo electric in maxillo facial
- Early diagnosis and therapy of oral cancer
- Reconstructive jaw surgery
Dr. Adriana Schwartz Tapia
M.D. Surgeon. Obstetrician gynecologist. Expert in Ozone Therapy and Ozonized Concentrated Growth Factors (University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid).
Certification of Point of Care Regenerative Medicine (ISSCA, USA), harvesting and processing stem cells. Interventionist expert in ultrasound in musculoskeletal infiltrations. Master in anesthesia and regional analgesia guided by echography and fluoroscopy (University of Salamanca). Hybrid cadaver & life course: face, genitalia & body stem cells – regenerative medicine-pain management. International Society of urogynecology aesthetic and research (Spain-Madrid. ISGAR).
Director of the Pain Management Unit of the Clinical Pain Management Center Fiorela Spain and Honduras.
Director of International Diploma Course on Ozonetherapy and Concentrated Growth Factors and Stem Cell. 1th, to 9th edition.
Director and Editor of the Ozone-therapy Global Journal. ISSN: 2659-8647 indexed in LATINDEX, DIALNET and DULCINEA. Peer review.
Author of several scientific papers and books. The most recently book (2017) is: Clinical Manual of Ozone-therapy ISBN 978-84-617-9394-5
President of Medical Spanish Scientific Association of Ozonetherapy, Aepromo. www.aepromo.org
President of International Federation of Ozonetherapy IMEOF. www.imeof.org
Scientific Secretary of International Scientific Committee of Ozonetherapy, ISCO3.www.isco3.org
Has practiced medicine for more than 40 years in different continents: Africa, Latin America, Asia and Europe under the umbrella of different intergovernmental agencies. Speaks several languages: Russian, English,Spanish, French and Portuguese.
Research Fiel
- Ozon + CGF application in ginecology – dermatology -orthopedic – all body treatment.
Prof.a.c. Ezio Gheno MD, DDS, Ph.D
Dr. Ezio Gheno is a dental implantology and oral surgical expert from Somma Lombardo Varese, Italy and author of several bone regeneration papers. Dr. Gheno is Adjunct Professor at University of Genoa Di.S.C.Department of Surgical Sciences and Integrated Diagnostics. Here he teaches oral surgery and advanced implantology in combination with Autologous Blood Concentrate. He is Associate Professor of College of Medicine & Dentistry Birmingham UK. He entered into an Agreement of Understanding and Collaboration with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia as a consulting researcher at Surgical, Medical, and Dental Department of Morphological Sciences with Transplantation interest, Oncology and Regenerative Medicine. Ph.D, in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Periodontics Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. In 1985 graduate from the University of Pavia with a degree in Medicine and Surgery, Dr. Gheno furthered his postgraduate studies at the University of Modena. He is Associate Editor at International Journal of Growth Factors and Stem Cells in Dentistry. Wolters Kluwer. Today Dr. Gheno maintains a private practice in Somma Lombardo and he is accredited by the Swiss Confederation and the Medical Council of Malta.
Research Field
The autologous growth factors CGF in bone and tissue regeneration, vertical and horizontal ridge increases with heterologous bone-ring and autogenous growth factors CGF through permeation techniques, CGF applications in oral surgery and implantology, aesthetic regenerative medicine. Albumine applications in dentistry and aesthetic regenerative medicine. The use of the new “Sticky bone preparation device”.
Dr. Paola Pederzoli
Degree in Medicine and Surgery. Second degree in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis. Specialization in Aesthetic Medicine. She was invited to many seminars to explain the use of CGF: in Italy and other countries in Europe and extra Europe (USA – China – Saudi Arabia). She is a teacher for Masters on the use of CGF in Aesthetic And Regenerative Medicine at Roma and Bari Universities. She attended, as a Tutor, the second level Master at Verona University in Regenerative Medicine. As Member of “Research Group of Excellence” she takes part in CGF Autologous Researches and publishes on scientific magazines.
Research Field
- CGF application in different treatments: cosmetic aesthetic uses
Prof. Dr. Ottaviano Tapparo
He studied dentistry at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen Germany, state exam in July 9 1979. In 1981 he got the Ph.D. title dr.med.dent. From 1992 he was associate professor of Implantology at the Apollonia University of Jassy and associate professor of Implantology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Jassy. From 1993 he was associate professor at the University of implantology Ovidiu Constanta. From 1993 he was Associate Professor founder and director of the Department of Implantology at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara. Introducing Implantology specialisation as postgraduate study and as an optional subject during dentistry studies. From 2014 he is visiting professor at Medical Institute of traditional and nontraditional medicine, Dnipropetrowsk. 5.6.1997 he was awarded doctor honoris causa by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara for his immuno-toxicological research and in 2003 he was awarded professor honoris causa of the Faculty of Medicine, University Lucian Blaga Hermannstadt for professional and scientific activities.
Research Field
- CGF application in regenerative dentistry (oral surgery, implantology, TMJ/CMD, parodontology) and regenerative medicine (orthopedy, traumatology, dermatology, urology, ophthalmology, aesthetic skin regeneration).
- Immunotoxicology effect of dental materials and environmental toxins on the organism
- Naturopathy
- Tooth organ interrelationships
Prof. Dr. S. Sai Kalyan
Chief Mentor, Terna centre for Regenerative Endodontics, Terna Dental college, Mumbai.
Active Researcher with interests in designing effective disinfection protocols and development of scaffolds for delivery of growthfactors for regeneration of dental hard and soft tissues. Rich experience in setting up protocols for endodontic regeneration. Chairman of the Regenerative endodontic team for the Indian association of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics.
Research Field
- Platelet derived growth factors, Scaffolds, Regenerative Endodontics and Biomaterial development.