“SIMCRI 2023”
15-16 SEPTEMBER 2023 SIENA "VIII NATIONAL CONGRESS SIMCRI 2023" Venue of the event: Sherton Four Points hotel - Siena Click here to download the course program
15-16 SEPTEMBER 2023 SIENA "VIII NATIONAL CONGRESS SIMCRI 2023" Venue of the event: Sherton Four Points hotel - Siena Click here to download the course program
On September the 15th and the 16th the course for dentists will be held at Silfradent headquarters in S.Sofia (FC): "Dental surgery between present and future" - Acquisition of skills for venipuncture: protocol and applications - Advanced surgery techniques with…
" PRP & UNICORN" - International course S.SOFIA (FC) - ITALY - 30 September 2023 - Silfradent Academy For further information - Contacts E-mail: chiara@silfradent.com Download programme course COURSE POSTPONED UNTIL A LATER DATE !
CONFERENCE ON RECONSTRUCTIVE AND REGENERATIVE SURGERY OF "DIFFICULT LESIONS" OF MALE AND FEMALE GENITAL Multidisciplinary approach and rehabilitation of the pelvic floor GENOA, Torre San Vincenzo - Via San Vincenzo Download course program ORGANIZATION EVENT: Eurotraining srl - www.eurotraining.it Email:…
TWO DAYS OF IN-PRESENCE TRAINING FOR DENTISTRY, ASO AND SECRETARY STAFF ASTI, Aula Magna del Polo Universitario Rita Levi Montalcini - Area Fabrizio De Andrè. Download course program ORGANIZATION EVENT: Sig.ra Carmen Gerbasio - Cell. 3663452330 Email: asti@andi.it
AESTHETIC AND DENTAL TRAINING: FACIAL REJUVENATION 26 - 27 MAY 2023 - SLOVENIA - C/O MEDIMPEKS d.o.o. Click here to download program course FOR REGISTRATION and INFORMATION: MEDIMPEKS d.o.o . - Vrtojbenska cesta 19a - Sempeter pri Gorici - Slovenija…
SINUS LIFT and SMS TECNIQUE DOCTOR STEFANO ROSI JESI (AN) C/O Location BICE srl : 12-13 MAGGIO 2023 Click here to download the course program REGISTRATION AND CONTACTS: BICE srl - tel. +39 0731203586 Alessandra +39 0731711633
MULTIDISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO AESTHETIC-FUNCTIONAL REHABILITATION GALLIPOLI (LE), GRAND HOTEL COSTA BRADA 05 - 06 MAY 2023 Click here to download the course program REGISTRATION: We Work - tel. 320-4038104 080-742007 Email: eventi@weworkpoint.it
EXPODENTAL MEETING 2023 - Rimini -Italy from the 18th to 20th of May Fiera di Rimini - Ingresso Porta SUD - Via Emilia 155 - 47921 RIMINI: SILFRADENT: Hall A01 - Stand 106